The TRUMPET and FLUTE projects are initiatives promoted by the European Commission in the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to healthcare. The research consortia consist of over 20 internationally renowned partners, including software houses, public research institutions, legal agencies, and hospitals. In this context, IRST – IRCCS serves as a healthcare partner, providing patient data analysis for validating machine learning models and for the practical application of discoveries. Among other activities, IRST-IRCCS is responsible for project communication and dissemination, including educational activities for young people.
In this regard, IRST-IRCCS, together with its partners, aims to promote a Hackathon event for young students with the following objectives:
The event, organized in collaboration with Fulcieri High School in Forlì and sponsored by the Municipality of Forlì, will involve the participation of 100 students (50 males and 50 females) in a morning-long Hackathon. The students will be divided into groups of 4 participants (2 females and 2 males) and will develop a project on AI and Healthcare themes. These projects will be judged by a scientific committee composed of 2 faculty members and 2 members of IRST – IRCCS, experts in the field of ICT & Data.
The winning team will be awarded the opportunity to participate in a Summer School (July 2025) at Gradiant, one of the consortium’s partners, located in Vigo, for one week. The winners will be announced at an evening event open to them and their families in January 2025.
Project Timeline:
Who is Gradiant?
Gradiant is a private non-profit foundation working in the field of ICT, and the transference of R&D results into the private sector. Gradiant’s mission can be summed up as “contributing to the innovative dynamism, growth and competitive improvement of the Galician business ecosystem through technology development and innovation in the use of ICT”.
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