In Liège, organized by our partner CHU, we will engage in reports, meet with external advisors, and collectively discuss our progress after 9 months of the project.
In Liège, organized by our partner CHU, we will engage in reports, meet with external advisors, and collectively discuss our progress after 9 months of the project.
@2023 Copyrights. All right reserved | Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori “Dino Amadori” – IRST S.r.l.
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico – Registered Office: Via Piero Maroncelli, 40 – 47014 Meldola (FC) Italy
Tel. 0543 739100 – Fax 0543 739123 | e-mail: – PEC:
Share Capital: €20.000.000 (fully paid) | R.E.A. 288572 (FC) – Company Registrar: FC – Fiscal Code and VAT ID: IT03154520401 | SDI Code: L0U7KO4
Credits: Sunset Studio