Hackathon AI DEA – Award cerimony – RESERVED

100 high school students from Liceo Fulcieri Paulucci di Calboli (Italy) teamed up to develop AI-driven solutions to healthcare challenges, particularly focusing on improving access to cancer treatments. Thanks to European Commission and funding to TRUMPET project, 4 of them, named winners, will attend a summer school at Gradiant (Vigo) about AI and Healthcare.

European AI & Cybersecurity Network – CROSSTALK ON PROJECT SOLUTIONS –

Date: October 22, 2024 Location: Delegation to the EU of Emilia-Romagna Region, Brussels Join us at the European AI & Cybersecurity Network CrossTalk, an exclusive event designed to foster networking and collaboration among European-funded projects focused on AI and cybersecurity. This event aims to shape future policies and showcase cutting-edge solutions from prominent projects tackling […]

AI DEA – Educational event – RESERVED

100 high school students from Liceo Fulcieri Paulucci di Calboli (Italy) teamed up to develop AI-driven solutions to healthcare challenges, particularly focusing on improving access to cancer treatments. This event was one of the educational activities promoted by the TRUMPET project aimed at: > Improving knowledge of  AI applied to healthcare in young students > […]

1st Remote EASiNet Scientific Meeting – Reserved event

The Scientific Remote Meeting of EASiNet will feature presentations from key European projects contributing to the advancement of Federated Learning and Cybersecurity in healthcare. Experts from the FLUTE and ENCRYPT projects will present innovative solutions aimed at addressing challenges in cloud security and privacy enhancement technologies. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussions […]

WEBINAR/ Privacy preserving machine learning: differentially private stochastic gradient descent with weight clipping

Privacy preserving machine learning: differentially private stochastic gradient descent with weight clipping Speaker: Antoine Barczewski – INRIA Recently, due to the popularity of deep neural networks and other methods whose training typically relies on the optimization of an objective function, and due to concerns for data privacy, there is a lot of interest in differentially […]

2nd EU-Africa PerMed Summer School Implementation of Personalised Medicine

IRST – IRCCS has been invited to showcased TRUMPET project at the EU-Africa PerMed Second Summer School, The EU-Africa PerMed Second Summer School, scheduled for May 21-23, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya will focus on implementing PM in various fields, aiming to equip participants with skills to support PM implementation and research network creation. The Summer School (hybrid […]

WEBINAR/ Encryption-based PETs for Federated Learning settings

Encryption-based PETs for Federate Learning settings Date: 20th March 11am Speaker: Gonzalo Jiménez Balsa, Xavier Martínez Luaña, Héctor Padín Torrente from Gradiant (Spain) The purpose of this webinar is to expose different Encryption-based Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) for Federated Learning (FL) settings. Specifically, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) and Cryptographic Differential Privacy (CDC) approaches will be discussed. […]

12th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSec’24)

The TRUMPET project will participate in the ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security from June 24-26th in Baiona, Spain. TRUMPET partners organize a Special Session on Security and Privacy Challenges Towards Trustworthy Federated Learning. Organizers: Alberto Pedrouzo-Ulloa, University of Vigo, Spain Jan Ramon, INRIA, France Zakaria Chihani, CEA-List, France Submit your paper. More […]

Healthcare Claims Future: navigating the landscape of Federated Learning in healthcare

“Healthcare Claims Future: navigating the landscape of Federated Learning in healthcare” is a free conference dedicated to exploring the prospects of Federated Learning (FL) in the healthcare sector, with a specific focus on its relevance to European initiatives. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the applications and challenges of FL in managing healthcare […]

Trustworthy AI, tooling up the methods – TRUMPET exchange Talks

Trustworthy AI, tooling up the methods Speaker: Zakaria Chihani, CEA Abstract of the event: The need to assess and validate the trustworthiness of AI (robustness, transparency, safety, security, etc.) has been the subject of considerable academic work for some time now. One of the natural evolution of such research efforts is to have a tangible […]